Thursday, November 10, 2005

Conversion Preparations Begin

Today is the first day of preparations for the Conversion of One Million to Firefox! This is a rally to download and install One Million Copies of the FREE, SECURE, FEATURE RICH web browser named FIREFOX!

Firefox has been my Internet browser of choice since its inception. I had already switched from Bill Gate's Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) in favor of the Mozilla web browser. (Which was born of Netscape is ancient times). I have been an advid promoter of Firefox for a long time and now I want to fire Bill's toy!
Mac users, Windows users, Linux Users ALL USERS!

Come and join in the fun a be One in the Million Firefox Converts!

Click on the link in the right side panel to get started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another easy way to introduce people to safer computing is the free VMWare player and a Virtual machine (Ubuntu among them). They can browse safely while running their other Windows programs, learn other operating systems, and have some fun.